GMO foods can impact fertility in future generations.

GMO food induced tumors and infertility.

GMO’s are making the news again.  Genetically modified foods (GMO) is becoming a growing concern to Californians who will be voting on labeling food products containing GMO’s.  Why are people getting upset over GMO’s?    More and more research is presenting health issues related to consuming food grown from GMO seeds.

First, I must put it out there…I’ve read some of the research against GMO’s.  It’s not the best research and it leaves me hesitant to completely ban GMO’s from my life.  Something I can’t do anyway because labels don’t indicated if the food has GMO grown ingredients.

Even though the research is weak it has left me very concerned.  We, as a society, don’t fully understand the risk or problems arising from GMO’s.  One past article I read mentioned rats consuming GMO’s being infertile and growing hair out of their mouths.  The most disturbing part of the research was most of these genetic changes occur over several generations.  It was the third generation of mice which experience the worse genetic problems.

The other side of topic, GMO’s have provided some amazing benefits.  Poor countries ravished by poverty, draught and insects have profited from the assistance of GMO seeds.  Without support from GMO seeds many people would have starved.  Others are able to grow stable crops and generate an income.

I believe the biggest problem we have in America is twofold – Americans eat too much refined carbohydrates and consume meat products fed on GMO corn.  Way too much of our diet is saturated in GMO products.  Part of the issue with GMO plants -they absorb and store pesticides (primarily Round Up), which remain in the final product – your food.  The easiest way to avoid GMO’s is to consume a small diet of carbohydrates.  Try the 80/20% rule:  80% clean protein, veggies and fruit.  20% carbohydrates on a daily basis.  Buy grass raised meat or organic meat stating what the animal was fed.

I do believe manufactures will be jumping on the non GMO band wagon.  Just like gluten free products, as the demand grows, manufactures will supply the products.  Consumers are starting to search for products labeled free of GMO and their pocket book will speak volumes.  In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if farmers start to grow harlequin plants (plants derived from natural modification – not modern genetic technology).  It could be the next popular phase in the food industry.

As an individual I would love GMO labeling and would be selective with GMO sources.  The GMO saga continues….stay tuned.