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Video Two – Chronic Stress and the Fertility Journey

By |2020-03-28T15:15:54-04:00February 19th, 2020|Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, conception, fertility, Infertility, Low AMH, poor embryo quality, stress, supplements, Uncategorized|

I thought it would be really interesting to talk about stress from the perspective of fertility. The topic is weighty for women on the fertility journey. Before we delve into the topic, I would like for us to recognize chronic stress triggers are very personalized to each woman. There’s no standard for stress, instead an expansive spectrum exists. Any statements I make are generalized.

I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the perfect woman. You might find her reacting to the video. She might tell you:

“I should eliminate all the stress in my life.”
“My fertility is destroyed by stress.”
“If […]

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Feeling Broken on the Fertility Journey

By |2020-02-13T11:02:15-05:00October 10th, 2019|Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, fertility, Infertility, Low AMH, poor embryo quality|

Many women who have come into my practice feel they are broken.  As a practitioner and a woman, I understand how fertility clients can feel broken.  We are told as young girls; we will grow up and have babies…be mommies.  It’s just going to be “this way” when we are ready to have our baby.

When you try to have a baby and things don’t go smoothly, it feels something is not working.  Often there’s no explanation or issue that can’t be easily treated, can leave you feeling […]

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Resveratrol Found to Improve Embryo Quality

By |2020-02-11T14:15:08-05:00August 23rd, 2018|Acupuncture, DNA quality, fertility, Infertility, Low AMH, poor embryo quality, sperm, supplements, Uncategorized|

Acupuncture improves fertility Improve egg quality with acupuncture, Chinese herbs and resveratrol

For over a decade I have encouraged clients to use resveratrol to improve their egg quality. In this research article resveratrol was used in a unique way.

What’s resveratrol? Resveratrol is found in peanuts, berries, the skin of red grapes, red wine, and in the Japanese Knotweed plant also known as polygonum. Research has proven it has strong antioxidant/estrogen protection which can enhance egg quality.

Resveratrol increases the protein SIRT1, which slows a cell’s aging process and improves the DNA quality within the […]

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Part 2: Men, Depression and Lowered Pregnancy Rates

By |2020-02-11T14:15:09-05:00August 2nd, 2018|Acupuncture, fertility, Infertility, poor embryo quality, sperm, Uncategorized|

Depresion in men Depression in men lowers pregnancy rates.

I believe Western Medicine is ignoring the emotional state of many couples undergoing treatment for infertility.  Read my other article on depression in men.

Western medicine is only starting to understand the physical effects on men undergoing the emotional struggle with infertility. The Mayo Clinic has found headaches, heart disease, digestive problems, fatigue, irritability and low libido are often related to depression in men.  We are only starting to understand the effects of depression on sperm quality.

For many reasons – down playing symptoms, reluctance […]

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