

Poor Sperm Related to Increase of Genetic Disorders in Embryos

Poor sperm lead to poor embryos quality.

Here’s another study correlating sperm with poor quality embryos. The study group is small. It involved genetically tested embryos (PGS) created from men with low sperm count and motility.

The authors found reduced embryo quality in oligospermia (34%) and oligoasthenospermia (39%).

I do believe we are on the cusp of a big change. For years, women have shouldered the blame of poor quality embryos. Men were seen as untouchable – they could be 70 years old and father a child.

The old school mind set was – the […]

By |2020-02-11T14:15:10-05:00June 12th, 2018|Acupuncture, DNA quality, fertility, Infertility, poor embryo quality, sperm, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Poor Sperm Related to Increase of Genetic Disorders in Embryos

Alcohol and Fertility

Alcohol, fertility, acupuncture Does alcohol impact fertility?

The most common question I get in my practice – “Will alcohol make my fertility worse?” There’s so much conflicting information about drinking and fertility. Recently I had a client ask me if it was ok to have a glass of wine once a week (the client and her husband love to go out to dinner once a week. My client so enjoys a glass of wine during this special dinner.). I told her to go for it. She looked at me in shock – “really????”.

Now, […]

By |2020-02-11T14:15:10-05:00May 17th, 2018|Acupuncture, conception, fertility, Infertility|Comments Off on Alcohol and Fertility

Men dealing with fertility have a higher rate of depression.

The below research article investigated if men have issues with discussing their emotions/feelings while going through an IVF procedure.

It would be no surprise to woman, 50% of the men did not want to discuss their feelings. Men who could not discuss their feelings, had a higher rate of depression.

Depression can cause the body to release stress hormones which result in physical effects such as – poor sleep, weight gain, low sex drive and testosterone. Lowered testosterone will impact sperm quality.

Research articles clearly show a link between stress and sperm quality. If depression and stress result in similar hormonal release, then […]

By |2020-02-11T14:15:11-05:00April 9th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Men dealing with fertility have a higher rate of depression.

Antimullerian hormone (AMH) is not an indicator of failure.

Low AMH Low AMH does not predict live births.

Last month, Fertility and Sterility published a study involving live births from IVF and the measurement of AMH.

What’s great about this study? It’s has a large study population (69,336 women undergoing fresh and frozen embryo transfers). The study clearly found AMH has no impact on lowering live births.

My experience has been that fertility clinics feel AMH can only lead to poor results in IUI/IVF. My observation with women who have been diagnosed with low AMH, they can get pregnant.

The most important concept to remember […]

By |2020-02-11T14:15:11-05:00March 28th, 2018|Acupuncture, fertility, Infertility, live births, Low AMH|Comments Off on Antimullerian hormone (AMH) is not an indicator of failure.
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